Monday, January 21, 2008

Things 6 & 7!

Apparently making that trading card fulfilled Thing 6! I went back and did a bead thing, too, and want to figure out how to do a mosaic.

As far as posting on technology goes, Thing 7, where do I begin??! I'm of the generation that watched on a black and white TV set astronauts being launched into space! I remember watching them land on the moon, still on a black and white set. Today I marveled over photos of Mercury taken from a space probe that is actually going to orbit Mercury!

Then there are all the medical advances. Mind blowing! It always gets my hackles up to hear people talk about the "good ol' days". No thank you. Too many people died of what today are very curable or treatable things. I say, "Viva, progress and here's to what tomorrow may bring!" I would love to see a cancer cure and aides cure in my life time. And the advancements in prosthetics! The bionic man isn't too far out of reach.

I remember going with my dad down to Thrifty Drugstore so he could test vacuum tubes from our television to replace a bad one. You could repair your own set in those days. Now with circut boards it's the Geek Squad or get another one. I have to admit that I and my husband are very spoiled babies when it comes to TV viewing. Gone are my days of black and white television. We get ours downloaded from cable and can pause a program if we have to answer the phone, etc. Want to go to bed, but the program hasn't ended yet? No problem, just start recording it with the press of a button, no VHS tape required.

Sure, technology can be used for the side of evil instead of goodness, but that's all relative anyway and that's off topic for this post. Overall, our use of whatever technology we have at our disposal is the very core of what makes us human and pushes our species on a quest for answers to never ending questions.

Things through 5!

Whew! I finally cracked the code to get back into this blog! I was getting grief from Google to create an account and it wouldn't take my password, blah, blah, blah. I figured it out, finally, and here I am!

So, between 1/13 and 1/21, what has happened Learning 2.0 wise? I got through parts 1 - 5. I made a Flickr trading card! You know, it's possible to spend a LOT of time on Flickr. There is quite a bit there and I found it a bit overwhelming....but I'm going back. I'll just try this and that until I feel more comfortable at it. I uploaded a couple pictures, check out the chocolate fountain. My account there is, what else, CCPageland.

I think that's it for now. I want to continue to Thing 6.

Later, gators!

Sunday, January 13, 2008

My first post in my FIRST blog!!

Unfortunately, it's a boring post. I mean, I just created this (an amazing feat, I assure you!) and I'm not sure what I want to post yet. Hopefully, I will have more witty, insightful and interesting posts to come!