Tuesday, February 19, 2008

#21, podcasting a wide net

After visiting quite a few podcast sites, my fav is NPR, I'm wondering if we shouldn't have some podcasts on our library website. I'm thinking stories for kids and such. Maybe audio book reviews so you can hear the passion in someone's voice. Or, just links to really good podcast sites, like NPR. Possibilities. Here is the link. Check it out: http://www.npr.org/rss/podcast/podcast_detail.php?siteId=18659293
Like RSS, there are WAY too many choices and it was all rather overwhelming. I added several to my Bloglines feeds, but I have to be honest with myself - I'll probably have time to hear or read very few of them. Still, they are nice just to have so when I can steal a few minutes there are some interesting things to read or hear.

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