Thursday, February 14, 2008

Web 2.0 "tools", #19

Wow! I just used the actual winners list, and was amazed at the variety and quality of these sites! I am going to spend a LOT more time later visiting just about all of these winners.

My favorite so are is: . Some stories are hilarious! Some wanted to make me cry. It's incredible what can be conveyed in one sentence. I'm going to give it some thought then I would like to make an entry.

My other favorite, which will also require more indepth exploration is: As you might have guessed from my previous posts, I like food. I like to grow it, cook it and, best of all, eat it. I've heard about this Farm at South Mountain for some time, even read a review in the newspaper, but after reading some reviews by actual people who have eaten there, I have GOT TO GO! Maybe I'll blog about that later.

As far as library applications go, I don't know. I think at the least we should like to these winning sites to provide our customers with quality links. I hadn't heard of most of these sites, but I am bookmarking many of them for future use! I'm so glad for this exercise because I've found some valuable resources.

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