Tuesday, February 19, 2008

#22, Shove it into Overdrive!!

It took me an HOUR, but I finally got the proper settings for Microsoft media player worked out, and the security setting, and viola, Tin Collectors was playing on my computer!! This is pretty cool. I can see me on vacation, and out of reading material. I have my laptop with me, an MP3 player, and my trusty library card, POOF!, I have audio books at my disposal. Or movies. Of course, my Netflix account will let me download movies, too, but Overdrive is free and has a different selection.

Though, I have to admit, I much rather read books than listen to them. I'd rather have downloaded text to read and reread at my leisure. Maybe that's the next step, downloadable actual books via the library. Yes, I believe there will be a great deal more downloadable material in the not so distant future. No, I don't think physical books will die, but they will go out of vogue for quite a few "millenials". MHO.

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